Monday, August 30, 2010

Blogspot v. Xanga

So, this is my first post here on Blogspot.  I've had a Xanga for a gazillion years (ok, that's an exaggeration) and I needed a blog to post my cookie pictures on.  I tried setting up my Xanga to be my official "cookie" blog, but it just didn't look professional enough for a cookie business that I'm trying to build.  It seemed like I would have to spend $10 to change the url to the name I needed and adding pictures are annoying and after a while, I would run out of space for pictures.  Also, there were too many things going on with Xanga.  It was almost as if they were trying to become like Myspace when Myspace was the popular kid on the block.  I mean, I don't need for my blog to have a pulse, I don't need to have people subscribe to my blog as well as be my friend and I don't need photo albums and a guest book.  They also have a new layout system that didn't seem to be working on the two computers that I tried.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that Blogspot won my heart over for being the cheapest and easiest way to go.  I've always been loyal to my original choices in all areas of my life and would love to stick with my Xanga, but Blogspot is the clear winner in this cookie war! 


  1. Love the cookies! The star patriotic ones are cute, hadn't seen those! All i can say is yummy! Sheila


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